Saturday, November 30, 2019


R IC H FIE L D GR A D U ATE I NS T IT U TE OF TE C H NO L OGY ( P T Y) L T D FA C U L T Y OF I N F O R M A T I O N T E C H N OL O G Y C O M P U T ER S E C U R I T Y 6 0 0 1 S T SE M ES T ER A S S I G N M E N T N a m e S u r n a m e: IC A S N o : Q u a l i f i c atio n : S e m est e r : M o d u l e N a m e: D ate S u b m i t t e d : A S S E S S M E N T CR I T E R IA M A RK A LL O C A T I ON E X A M I N E R M A R K S M O D E R A TOR M A R K S M A R K S F O R C O N T E N T QU E S TI O N ONE 30 QU E S TI O N T WO 30 QU E S TI O N T H R E E 30 T O T A L M A R K S 90 M A R K S F O R T ECH N I C A L A S P EC T S 1. T A B L E OF CO N T E N T S Acc u rate n u m b e ri n g a c cor d i n g t o t h e n u m b e ri n g in t e xt a n d p age n u m b e r s . 2 2. L A Y O U T A N D S P E LL I N G Fo n t - Calibri 12 Li n e S p aci n g - 1.0 Margin sh o u ld b e j u s tif i e d . 3 3. R E F E R E N C E Accor d i n g t o t h e H ar v ard M e t h od 5 T O T A L M A R K S 10 T O T A L M A R K S F O R A S S I GN M E N T 100 E xa m i n e r ' s C o m m e n ts: M o d e r at o r ' s C o m m e n ts: S i g n a t u r e o f Ex a m i n e r : S i g n a t u r e o f M o d e r a t o r : QUE S T I O N O N E [ 3 0 M A R K S ] 1. 1 V i r u s es, w o r m s, T r o jan h o rses, and hacki n g a r e all se c u rity issues in o u r c o m p u t e r ne t wo r k. Each o f t h e s e m alwa r es o r p r o g ra m s att a ches and sp r eads in di f fere n t w a y s. Thro u g h hacki n g h ack e rs can in f e c t c o m p u t ers w i th v ar i o u s t y p es o r m alware and v ir u ses. E xp l ain w h at v ir u ses are, h o w it o ccurs a n

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Biography of Sam Houston, Founding Father of Texas

Biography of Sam Houston, Founding Father of Texas Sam Houston (March 2, 1793–July 26, 1863) was an American frontiersman, soldier, and politician. As commander of the forces fighting for Texas’ independence, he routed the Mexican troops at the Battle of San Jacinto, which essentially won the struggle. Over his long career, he was a successful and effective statesman, serving as congressman and governor of Tennessee and the first and third president of the Republic of Texas, before becoming a U.S. senator and governor for the state of Texas. Fast Facts: Sam Houston Known For: After winning the Battle of San Jacinto, which effectively won the Texas War of Independence, Houston was the founding statesman of Texas, serving as the first president of the Republic of Texas, then a U.S. senator and governor for the state of Texas.Born: March 2, 1793 in Rockbridge County, VirginiaParents: Samuel Houston and Elizabeth (Paxton) HoustonDied: July 26, 1863 in Huntsville, TexasEducation: Minimal formal education, self-taught, founded Cherokee school, read law in Nashville under Judge James TrimblePositions and Offices: Attorney general for Nashville Tennessee, U.S. congressman for Tennessee, governor of Tennessee, major general of the Texas Army, first and third president of the Republic of Texas, U.S. senator for Texas, governor of TexasSpouse(s): Eliza Allen, Diana Rogers Gentry, Margaret Moffette LeaChildren: With Margaret Moffette Lea: Sam Houston, Jr., Nancy Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary William, Antoinette Power, Andrew Jackson Houston, William Rogers, Te mple Lea HoustonNotable Quote: Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may. Early Life Houston was born in Virginia in 1793 to a middle-class family of farmers. They went West early, settling in Tennessee- which was, at that time, part of the western frontier. While still a teenager, he ran off and lived among the Cherokee for a few years, learning their language and their ways. He took a Cherokee name for himself: Colonneh, which means Raven. Houston enlisted in the American army for the War of 1812, serving in the west under Andrew Jackson. He distinguished himself for heroism at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend against the Red Sticks, Creek followers of Tecumseh. Early Political Rise and Fall Houston soon established himself as a rising political star. He had allied himself closely to Andrew Jackson, who in turn came to see Houston as a protà ©gà ©. Houston ran first for Congress and then for governor of Tennessee. As a close Jackson ally, he won easily. His own charisma, charm, and presence also had a great deal to do with his success. It all came crashing down in 1829, however, when his new marriage fell apart. Devastated, Houston resigned as governor and headed west. Sam Houston Goes to Texas Houston made his way to Arkansas, where he lost himself in alcoholism. He lived among the Cherokee and established a trading post. He returned to Washington on behalf of the Cherokee in 1830 and again in 1832. On the 1832 trip,  he challenged anti-Jackson Congressman William Stanberry to a duel. When Stanberry refused to accept the challenge, Houston attacked him with a walking stick. He was eventually censured by Congress for this action. After the Stanberry affair, Houston was ready for a new adventure, so he went to Texas, where he had purchased some land on speculation. He was also charged with reporting to Jackson about the political climate and events in Texas. War Breaks out in Texas On October 2, 1835, hotheaded Texan rebels in the town of Gonzales fired on Mexican troops who had been sent to retrieve a cannon from the town. These were the first shots of the Texas Revolution. Houston was delighted: by then, he was convinced that Texas separation from Mexico was inevitable and that the fate of Texas lay in independence or statehood in the United States. He was elected head of the Nacogdoches militia and would eventually be appointed major general of all Texan forces. It was a frustrating post, as there was little money for paid soldiers and the volunteers were hard to manage. The Battle of the Alamo and the Goliad Massacre Sam Houston felt that the city of San Antonio and the Alamo fortress were not worth defending. There were too few troops to do so, and the city was too far from the rebels east Texas base. He ordered Jim Bowie to destroy the Alamo and evacuate the city. Instead, Bowie fortified the Alamo and set up defenses. Houston received dispatches from Alamo commander William Travis, begging for reinforcements, but he could not send them as his army was in disarray. On March 6, 1835, the Alamo fell. All 200 or so defenders fell with it. More bad news was on the way, however: on March 27, 350 rebel Texan prisoners were executed at Goliad. The Battle of San Jacinto The Alamo and Goliad cost the rebels dearly in terms of numbers of soldiers and morale. Houstons army was finally ready to take the field, but he still had only about 900 soldiers, far too few to take on General Santa Annas  Mexican army. He dodged Santa Anna for weeks, drawing the ire of the rebel politicians, who called him a coward. In mid-April 1836, Santa Anna unwisely divided his army. Houston caught up with him near the San Jacinto River. Houston surprised everyone by ordering an attack on the afternoon of April 21. The surprise was complete and the battle was a total rout  with 700 Mexican soldiers killed,  about half of the total. The other Mexican soldiers were captured, including General Santa Anna. Although most of the Texans wanted to execute Santa Anna, Houston did not permit it. Santa Anna soon signed a treaty recognizing Texas independence which effectively ended the war. President of Texas Although Mexico would subsequently make several half-hearted attempts to re-take Texas, independence was essentially sealed. Houston was elected the first president of the Republic of Texas in 1836. He became president again in 1841. He was a very good president, attempting to make peace with Mexico and the Native Americans who inhabited Texas. Mexico invaded twice in 1842 and Houston always worked for a peaceful solution; only his unquestioned status as a war hero kept more bellicose Texans from open conflict with Mexico. Later Political Career Texas was admitted to the United States in 1845. Houston became a senator from Texas, serving until 1859, at which time he became governor of Texas. The nation was wrestling with the slavery issue at the time and Houston was an active participant in the debate, opposing secession. He proved a wise statesman, working always toward peace and compromise. He stepped down as governor in 1861 after the Texas legislature voted to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy. It was a difficult decision, but he made it because he believed that the South would lose the war and that the violence and cost would be for naught. Death Sam Houston rented the Steamboat House in Huntsville, Texas in 1862. His health took a downturn in 1862 with a cough that turned into pneumonia. He died on July 26, 1863, and is buried in Huntsville. The Legacy of Sam Houston The life story of Sam Houston is a gripping tale of rapid rise, fall, and redemption. His second, greatest ascent was remarkable. When Houston came west he was a broken man, but he still had just enough prior fame to immediately take an important role in Texas. A one-time war hero, he prevailed again at the Battle of San Jacinto. His wisdom in sparing the life of the defeated Santa Anna is considered to have been crucial to sealing Texas independence. Through this second rapid rise, Houston was able to put his more recent troubles behind him and become the great man that had seemed to be his fate as a young man. Later, Houston governed Texas with great wisdom. In his career as a senator from Texas, he made many prescient observations about the Civil War that he feared was on the nations horizon. Today, many Texans consider him among the greatest heroes of their independence movement. The city of Houston is named after him, as are countless streets, parks, and schools. Sources Brands, H.W. Lone Star Nation: The Epic Story of the Battle for Texas Independence. Anchor Books, 2004.Henderson, Timothy J. A Glorious Defeat: Mexico and its War with the United States. Hill and Wang, 2007.Kreneck, Thomas H. â€Å"Houston, Samuel.†Ã‚  The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA), 15 June 2010.Sam Houston Memorial Museum.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Assessment test Essay Example for Free

Assessment test Essay Assessment is a vast topic that is a continuing process that educators use to observe, gather, and evaluate evidence to determine what students have learned, as well as, making informed, and dependable decisions to enhance student learning. It encompasses a broad range of testing from nationwide accountability tests to everyday classroom observation and quizzes. In order to take control of what appears to be an excess use of testing, assessment should be looked upon as a tool for information. The more information we have about students, the more closely we can look at  instructional strategies that are effective and which ones need to be modified. There are two main types of assessments that I will be discussing, formal and informal. Informal assessments or in other words â€Å"assessment of learning†, are used to evaluate students during the learning process. Formal assessments are conducted as a tool to evaluate student’s completion of work or the final product. There are many advantages and disadvantages to these types of assessments techniques that I will be discussing for measuring student progress. I will begin by discussing two formal assessment types along with its  advantages and disadvantages. The first type of assessment that I would like to address would be the statewide-standardized test under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The statewide standardized test is considered a high-stakes test because of the important consequences it has on passing or failing the test. It mandates yearly testing for grades 3 through 8 and once in high school for reading and math. Science was recently added in the mix to test students at least once in elementary, middle and high school. The underlying principle for this type of testing was intended to reach great  academic achievement for all students, especially those from lower socioeconomic classes. Advantage #1 It ensures that no child—regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or status is trapped in a consistently low-performing school. If a school does not make adequate progress towards set standards, parents have the option of sending their children to a better performing school or are provided free tutoring. This assessment helps determine if the student is receiving high-quality education at different grade levels. Advantage #2 Teachers are held accountable. If a student is not advancing with one  method of teaching, the teacher must use a different technique for a more favorable outcome. They must use research-based methods of teaching. This high-stakes test determines how to use assessment results to plan effective instruction. Disadvantage #1 This statewide-standardized test does not recognize student growth. It does not offer a realistic picture of how a student or school is performing as a whole. The extent of what a student actually learned is not known. Students that start out at a disadvantage are not given recognition for progress in achievement. Disadvantage #2 Teaching to the test. The growing concern with this high-stakes test is that it has become the curriculum and instruction has been narrowed to focus on results. Disadvantage #3 States set their own standards and can make tests unusually easy to compensate for inadequate student performance. The second type of formal assessment I would like to discuss is the aptitude test. It is a norm-reference test and is administered under timed testing conditions. It measures a student’s overall performance across a wide range of intellectual capabilities. These test are useful to determine the current level students are at and to adjust classroom curriculum  accordingly. Advantage #1 Aptitude tests are excellent predictors of future learning or performance. Advantage #2 Aptitude tests help students understand their own strengths and weaknesses. Advantage #3 Aptitude tests are useful tools for working with students with special needs because it can help teachers form realistic expectations of the student. Disadvantage #1 Since this is a multiple-choice type test, it does not allow for creativity or an alternative way of thinking. Disadvantage #2 Since this is a norm-reference test, students do not know how well they individually mastered the material. They only know how well they did compared to other students. Informal assessments is an important tool for teachers to use to monitor students’ progress throughout the learning process. The first type of informal assessment I feel is crucial in monitoring student performance is observation. I feel this method would be valuable to use in my classroom because I can observe students immediate reaction to my instruction especially during a pair-share or group setting. As I walk around the classroom, I would document my assessment of students’ performance and then provide feedback. As I observe and listen, it will allow me to know how many students remembered and processed the information given, as well as using it to solve problems. Advantage #2 As I observe and listen, it can help me to immediately clarify any confusion and address the problem. Disadvantage #1 Not all students may be verbally participating at the time of observation. Disadvantage #2 Some students become nervous when being observed, and their performance may suffer. A second type of informal assessment that I would use in the classroom would be student portfolios. Through the portfolio process,  students develop goal-setting and self-directed learning techniques. It helps students value themselves as learners. It also allows students to compete with themselves rather than with other students. Advantage #1 Students can plan and manage their own time to complete their work. This can benefit the students by teaching them responsibility for their own learning goals. Advantage #2 Students know their own strengths and weaknesses as they assess and analyze their progress. Disadvantage #1 Portfolios take a lot of planning and organization. Gathering all the information can make it difficult to manage. Disadvantage #2 Evaluating and scoring a student’s portfolio evolves a wide range of subjective evaluation procedures, which can limit reliability. A third method of informal assessment is through student oral presentation. This technique provides the student an opportunity to present information through verbal means in lieu of a written form. It allows the student to show their knowledge on a particular subject. To assess this type of method I would use a rating scale to grade student performance. It is very important to use a detailed rating scale for students to know the  aspects of the presentation that are to be considered in the assessment. Advantage #1 This method of assessment is instant and immediate in the transmission of information. Feedback can be given instantly. Advantage #2 Oral presentations provide maximum preparation. This can allow the students to practice to achieve perfection. Disadvantage #1 Some students are timid and more introverted than others. Oral presentations can be very intimidating and nerve-racking. Disadvantage #2 English language learners or those students who have a disability might affect their ability to speak fluently. Disadvantage #3  Students might find it easier to organize information through written communication. The final informal assessment method I would use would be pop quizzes. This type of assessment is usually quick, given without prior warning and can be completed in 15 minutes or less. Teachers can use this method to determine if students have grasped recent information. Advantage #1 Allow students to build on previous information and strengthens concepts which may have been unclear to them. Advantage #2 It is a great way to reinforce material that may be covered on a standardized type assessment test. It does not allow for accommodation for those students who need extended time on examinations, tests and quizzes. It can cause undo stress for those students. Disadvantage #2 It doesn’t really tell the true picture of a student’s level of knowledge. Some students may be lucky enough to guess the majority of the questions correctly. Having a mixture of written and oral types of informal assessments services a wide range of students. It allows the teacher to evaluate and recognize student’s learning needs and determine the appropriate level and pace of workflow. It offers the students the best chance to excel in one or more formats. Assessment test. (2016, Sep 25).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bitts case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Bitts case study - Essay Example A lack of motivation will make employees lethargic and careless while a presence of motivation will present them as energetic and full of verve. Responsibilities: While every individual connected to a company or organization has certain benefits which s/he derives from working for the company, there is also a set of responsibilities which the individual has towards the company. Responsibilities change depending on how and where a person is placed within a company but certain responsibilities like loyalty, following company norms and going by the rules of the company are expected to be followed by all members connected to the company. Theory X and Theory Y: These are two management styles which were given by Douglas McGregor as a part of his discourse on management. Theory X of management assumes that people dislike work and must be controlled by strong means if they are to remain productive. Further, people need direction and not independence while they work. Theory Y is the complete opposite of this since it suggests that people are naturally inclined towards work as they are towards play and rest. Additionally, people find satisfaction in work and will use imagination, creativity and their personal skills to solve work related problems if they are allowed to work as they please (NetMBA, 2005). There are several problems which are being faced by Bitts of which the primary problems are said to be; the lack of communications between directors, the management style being followed, the coming changes in the company/industry, and the HR related problems of the company. With effective communications and following the correct decisions outlined in the recommendations section, the company and the directors can expect to pull out of the spot they are in presently. Of the recommendations, the first is a change of style closer to Theory Y, the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Short Story Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Short Story Analysis - Essay Example The basic assumption of the current report is that through a combination of tone and setting, Hawthorne sets up a theme of growing unreality and sin in the work, in which Goodman Brown goes from a lucid, sane person, to a forever-changed witness of evil and sin. This response can be applied to the Hawthorne short-story quite easily, as it seems that Goodman Brown is also undergoing a sort of intuitive emotional struggle throughout much of his walk in the forbidding and unnatural woods. The story focuses more on the immediacy of these impressions than it does on the later evaluation and interpretation of them by its protagonist, who is seen to be effectively closed-off after his dream/experience. hides his intentions from both Faith and the reader, so it is effectively a mystery as to where he is going. This effectively draws the reader further into the story because their curiosity is piqued as to Brown’s destination. â€Å"What a wretch am I to leave her on such an errand!† Brown cries internally and mysteriously, â€Å"Methought as she spoke there was trouble in her face, as if a dream had warned her what work is to be don tonight. But no, no; twould kill her to think of it† (Hawthorne, p. 375). The protagonist heads off into the wilderness. through, and closed immediately behind† (Hawthorne). The narrator is also increasingly closed-off and isolated from the good of society as he walks. â€Å"It was all as lonely as could be; and there is this peculiarity in such a solitude, that the traveller knows not who may be concealed by the innumerable trunks and the thick boughs overhead; so that, with lonely footsteps, he may yet be passing through an unseen multitude† (Hawthorne). As noted, it seems that Goodman Brown is undergoing a sort of emotional struggle of resistance throughout much of his walk in the unnatural woods and wilderness. The story focuses more on his impressions of resisting evil in the woods than it does on interpretation of these

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Security Assessment Essay Example for Free

Security Assessment Essay Directions: Choose one of the Facts for Consideration sections from Ch. 3 of the text and list the page number for the section you chose. Then, complete the following table. List five threats appropriate to the environment from the section you chose. Rate the risk for each threat from 0 (low) to 10 (high). Then, list five appropriate countermeasures. Once you complete the table, write a brief explanation of the countermeasures for the two threats with the highest risk total, stating how the countermeasure reduces the risk associated with that threat. Transport should be equipped with a thick metal cage surrounding area inmates are in. Inmates should be contained also with shackles on hands and feet. Property damage and or personal harm All inmates, shackled together or not, need to have shackles anchored to sturdy eyebolts welded into floor to maintain limited movement. Escape during bathroom breaks Armed guard escort to restroom from transport, armed escort to transport, with remaining guard still on transport. Inmates relieves themselves under armed surveillance, with door open at all times. No civilians allowed near inmates, or bathrooms during the inmate’s bathroom breaks and guards must inspect bathrooms thoroughly before and after leaving restrooms. Extra guards in escort cars should help in this process to maintain security. Escape through windows or vents All windows and vents should be secured outside of the cage surrounding the inmates, armed guard should be in transport at all times, regardless of the guard, a head count should be done before and after all stops. Escape through outside resources. Limit all contact between prisoner and outside contacts prior to transport, restrict prisoners’ knowledge of schedule for transport. Two armed guards on transport, not counting driver. Two security cars, with two armed guards in each car, following transport. One car leading transport, with two armed guards. Cameras with audio on transport, communication between transport and escorts at all times. In my assessment, I chose to evaluate the article of the prisoner escape from prisoner transport. I need to assess the importance of securing the vehicle to establish the safety of the inmates, the security personnel, the driver, and all citizen’s in and around the route. I determined that one threat that is a high probability is physical assault. I can determine this on a few different areas which is why I gave it a criticality of 7. If a prisoner were caught escaping a fight would ensue, if the prisoner were seen by a bystander, physical harm could come from the interaction, or if the prisoner got a hold of a weapon, he could become too brave instead of just running. My thought of countermeasures are that the transport should have a strong metal cage separating the inmates from the guards; furthermore, the inmates should be shackled, hands and feet, with a sturdy chain running from wrist shackles to ankle shackles. This should be restrictive to eliminate excess movement on the prisoner’s part. The prisoners are being transported to facilities better equipped to deal with them, not to go to a spa; therefore their comfort is less important. The next strong threat factor is through  outside resources. This could happen in many ways. Since the inmates that are generally on these types of transports are considered dangerous, security measures must be made to ensure no contact with anyone on the outside for a period of time prior to transport and should have no knowledge of transport date. This could help prevent communicating with someone on routes, times, or any other knowledge that could be given to organize a breakout. There should be at least two, or more, armed guards in the transport with the prisoner’s and driver at all times. This would allow rest as well as backup. There should be at least two cars following the transport to ensure the transport is not ambushed easily. There should be two armed guards in each car. Another car with two armed guards should escort the transport. Finally, open lines of contact should be in place between all guards at all times, either via a system installed on the bus or through ear pieces and microphones. Having all guards in constant communication can prevent many problems from arising; because, one guard may see something another does not, and there are extra hands in case of trouble should the inevitable happen. The assessment I have provided, while requiring extra manpower, makes sense to me in the fact that this type of transport is moving dangerous cargo. The object of security in this matter is not to provide comfort, but to provide an extra measure of protection for the inmates, driver, guards, and civilians alike.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Aids Crisis :: essays research papers

The AIDS Crisis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  AIDS is an epidemic that has been treated like every other plague in history. Because it is human nature to be afraid of what one cannot control, people are invariably afraid of disease and infection. Moreover, the fear is escalated many times over in that the disease starts controlling the person who it has infected. As a result, society as a whole ostracizes and black lists anyone and anything that is believed to be associated with the disease.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people think the United States is home of the most modern and developed society in the world. Yet, this society remains flawed in that its reaction to disease mirrors that of medieval times. Although this a society that can build anything and go anywhere, the basic fears of mankind are almost entirely the same as the dark ages. It is true that we are faced with bigger and uglier problems. However, we still try to find scapegoats for these problems instead of trying to understand them. Currently, the United States is trying to deal with the AIDS epidemic. However, that was not our initial reaction. When AIDS first reared its ugly head in the beginning of the 1980's, Americans refused to acknowledge the problem. It was considered a problem of the homosexuals and therefore did not exist. This was the same attitude of the government and yet people were dying and more were getting sick. The word AIDS was like taboo in the whole United States. This attitude also prevented the government from getting involved sooner because the government generally works on public opinion. If government officials started to talk about what people did not want to hear (AIDS and homosexuals), than those officials were in danger of losing their jobs. Society in general was ignorant of AIDS. They did not know where it came from and how people acquired the disease. This not only added to their fears but put them in more danger. They lived in the middle of the sexual revolution and it was almost like a way of life for these people. Moreover, because they were ignorant, it put them in more danger of getting the disease. This ignorance was finally abated in 1986 when Dan Rather audaciously aired a broadcast on AIDS. As a result, many people learned the dangers of their actions and of AIDS. It changed the eighties by scaring people in a more positive way.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Reflection Writing of The Drover’s Wife by Henry Lawson Essay

I’ve never been reading a tremendous story such â€Å"The Drover’s Wife† before. â€Å"The Drover’s wife† was written by Henry Lawson is a short story about a woman who live in a bush with her four children and a dog, Aligance, while her husband didn’t at home because of driving. The story wants to mention on the woman who was a good mother and also a strong lady. In a dangerous event, there was a snake in her house. In order to protect her children she kept reminding herself all night to guard her children who were sleeping on the table in the kitchen; finally, the drover’s wife and her dog killed the snake and burnt it. Actually, I do love two characters among all characters represented in the story. The first is drover’s wife; throughout the short story I get a very good characterization of the woman. As a girl-wife she had hated the lonely life in the outback, but as time pass by, she used to it. Her struggle has been many. When the drought forced her husband to go droving, she had been left alone with her children and the problems in a pity bush. However, she was a strong and brave lady; in fact, she had solved the entire difficult situation without her husband’s assistance. She plays an important role in the family which she had to stay and take care of the children alone. Another she was defended mother and a good wife. In a long night, she kept her eye opening to ensure that the snake wouldn’t bit any of her children. Staying and taking care of the children alone; she neither complained about her living condition nor her husband absence. She didn’t care about herself when she fought the flood that devastated the dam; she still thought of her husband’s feeling after realizing this disaster. Specially, this character has given me an idea that women should not always rely on men; women are not as weak as what other people said. Women have strength to protect themselves as well as their beloved persons. Not only drover’s wife but also her biggest son Tommy was bravery. He helped his mom a lot; even he was a small one, his behavior is such an adult. Maybe he think that beside his father , he was the only one man to protect the member from any danger. This smart boy also remind his mother to wake him up if the snake came back again. Moreover, â€Å"The Drover’s Wife† has remarkably little action such as â€Å"Near midnight, the children are all asleep and the drover’s wife sit there still, sewing and reading by turns. From time to time she glances round the floor and well-plate, and, whenever she hears a noise, she reached for the stick. The thunderstorm comes on, and the wind, rushing through the cracks in the slab wall, threatens to blow out her candle. She places it on a sheltered part of the dresser and fixes up a newspaper to protect it. At every flash of lightning, the cracks between the slabs gleam like polished silver. The thunder rolls, and the rain comes down in torrents.† in this plot the author want to express the activities of being a mother who always care and worried about her children. Not all people do such that thing beside mother. In case she ensures that her children are safely, she can do anything without caring much own self. Another action â€Å"She lays her ha nd on the dog’s head, and all the fierce, angry light dies out of his yellow eyes. The younger children are quieted, and presently go to sleep. The dirty-legged boy stands for a moment in his shirt, watching the fire. Presently he looks up at her, sees the tears in her eyes, and, throwing his arms around her neck exclaims: â€Å"Mother, I won’t never go drovin’ blarst me if I do!† And she hugs him to her worn-out breast and kisses him; and they sit thus together while the sickly daylight breaks over the bush.†. This plot shows that if Tommy were a husband ,or when he grow up, he would not be away from home do such his father . He’s recognized what was the difficulty which a wife and children forced to bed situation. About drover’s wife, she loves her children above all, but she has no time to show it. The children have a very harsh impression of her. Still, in the last sentence we see proof of her love for them. What I have learnt from this story has been many. First, I understudied that on be haft of a good mother it is not easy. Sometime they act as ignorant but their mind obsessed all the time on children; however, they did not complained any words. Beside this, I caught a lot on the behaviour of the drover’s wife; we will not always get what we want, but we should learn to satisfy what we have. There are many problems and obstacles that we have to face, and all those make us become stronger and stronger, and give as such an important experience for our future steps. After reading this story, I strongly recommend it to other people who want to learn and experience more about life. Also lecturer should have risen this story to discuss much more and deeply on it, because student may benefit a lot from this story.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Admission to the USC Undergraduate Program

I am a keen jet skier and having obtained a degree of proficiency in this highly exciting sport. The bracing sea breeze and the refreshing spray, which play against the skier, are some of the major attractions of this sport. Moreover, this sport has to refresh and rejuvenate its practitioner. This sport taught me the importance of concentrating on what we do. It also taught me prudence and helped me to achieve a calm mind.I decided to interact more with the world that I live in. Hence, I started to study the various changes taking place in the world. In this study, I came to realize that the multinational corporations had brought about the process of globalization. This process was affecting the whole world and even the US and the European Union had come under its influence.Some of the Asian countries like India and China have been showing extraordinary growth in their economies. These economies were developing at a greater pace than that of any other country. I wanted to participate in these astonishing developments. In order to do so, I made several enquiries and went through the syllabus offered by a number of colleges. My intention was to obtain a thorough knowledge regarding globalization and the economic success of some of the Asian countries.In the course of my search, I found out about the University of Southern California, which had been founded in 1880. This university is a private university, which is the best for research. It has several campuses that are famous their academic excellence (About USC).However, in addition to academic excellence, it also promotes community service programs. This work has been praised widely and its alumni are famous, not only for their academic excellence but also for their contribution to society. Its financial independence ensures that it remains unaffected by governmental policies and political interference (About USC). These facts made me very much interested in pursuing an MBA program in this university.Newton Par tMy parents left Armenia in the 1970’s, whilst it was under Soviet Rule. Their new home in the US was very hospitable to them. However, they could not attend college, because of their financial commitments. Most of their waking hours were spent in earning sufficient money to meet their expenses.They were always aware of this drawback in their life. As a result, they used to tell me repeatedly, to take my studies seriously. My performance at school was slightly above average. Therefore, I obtained an average high school diploma. My parents were very disappointed with my mediocre performance in school. They told me that I had to improve my performance.One day, while alone with my thoughts, I started thinking about what had happened to my performance in school. I am very good at logical analysis. Therefore, I thought for a long time and realized that if I did not study with greater diligence, I would end up like my parents. The choice before me was to either work hard at my stud ies or get a very good job or to obtain an ordinary degree and work very hard for the rest of my life, for poor wages. This was a very thought, so I decided to become a very good student in college.On another occasion, during this period, I came across a spider attempting to spin a web. It would try to attach a strand, which would break off. Nevertheless, the spider did not stop its efforts; it patiently and with the same amount of effort, made another attempt. Finally, it succeeded in its hard work. Like Robert Bruce of England, I too realized the value of perseverance. I understood that even if some topic in my studies was difficult to understand, I should keep on trying to understand it.There was another factor that had a strong influence on my attitude towards life. I have a cousin named, Haroutoun Aharonian. He was very good at studies in high school and college. After that he pursued a graduate program in the University of Southern California. He became very good at analyzing stock markets, due to the MBA program that he attended in the University of Southern California’s   Marshall School of Business. One of the largest stock broking firms in Los Angeles has appointed him to a very important post, in their company. The sole reason for this success was the very good teaching standard of that college. This incident taught me that I had to work hard and develop an interest in my chosen field of study. On studying his success story, I decided to follow in his footsteps, and apply for the MBA program in the Marshall School of Business.I want to become an expert in Finance and Business Economics and this school imparts the necessary training and knowledge to achieve this goal. I would also like to keep the choice of joining the Bachelor’s of Arts in Economics. The USC Marshall School of Business offers the latest world class instruction in accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and international business studies (About The Marshall School of Bu siness, 2007).The world has become smaller due to globalization; moreover, some Asian countries are showing highly rapid economic development. Traditional management techniques cannot address these phenomena. It is a course like that provided by the Marshall School of Business, which can properly describe these issues. This is the principal reason for my seeking a transfer to the Marshall School of Business.ReferencesAbout The Marshall School of Business. (2007). Retrieved January 25, 2008, from University of Southern California Marshall School of Business : USC. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2008, from University of Southern California:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Admin Assistants Develop your phone skills for the office

Admin Assistants Develop your phone skills for the office You may think having an excellent phone manner is an outdated relic- after all, wont everyone just email if they want something? Not necessarily- if youre in an admin or customer service field, talking on the phone might still be a part of your everyday reality. And even if youre not, a good phone manner never goes out of style and can add a veneer of professionalism to your image in whatever job you do.Here are a few tips on how to be a boss at manning ye olde telephone.Have a formal greeting.Unless you know it’s your coworker Bob, or your spouse, or your boss calling you back after getting disconnected, come up with a professional way to answer calls. Be polite and informative: â€Å"Good morning/afternoon/evening. [Name of Company.] [Your name] speaking .† If you’re serving in an operator capacity, you can add something along the lines of â€Å"How may I direct your call?† It may seem silly, but it helps to think of a few variations and try them out lou d to pick the one that comes most naturally.Only answer if youre ready to talk.That means answering promptly (not making someone wait for 14 rings), but also making sure not to answer if you have your mouth full of coffee or lunch or if there’s a big commotion going on at your desk. If someone is calling you they want to you to hear what they have to say and respond with clarity.Take excellent messages.If you’re answering the phone for more than just yourself, make sure you take good messages. Work out with your boss the exact information you should get from everyone who calls. Never be too shy to ask for spelling clarification on a name or email address, or return phone number information.Leave excellent messages.If you hit an answering machine, speak slowly and clearly. Give your name and contact info at the beginning and again at the end so the person jotting down your details won’t have to listen to the whole thing again to get your number if they missed it at the beginning. Be succinct, but don’t leave out any important or relevant details- such as the reason for your call. Spell things you think might be garbled, especially by bad cell reception.Charm and disarm.Anger and frustration can magnify over the phone, especially when you cant throw an empathetic facial expression the way of someone ranting and raving. If youre in a position to deal with difficult or outraged clients or customers, youll have to pacify with your words. First and foremost, let the person know youre listening (I hear how upset you are and I understand why.). Then, let him or her know you will try to get to the root of the problem and fix it. Shouting back and getting snippy or curt will not help- it will usually only incense the caller more. Most people just want to be heard.Use names.Whenever possible, throw in the name of the person you are speaking to. Addressing someone this way makes a professional conversation feel more personal and less remote. Yo u don’t have to feel distant just because you’re not in the room together. And this goes both ways- make sure to always identify yourself early on with your own full name!Be sincere and kind.Having a good phone manner doesn’t mean being a phony. Sure, you should be cheerful, enunciate clearly, and speak articulately, but don’t put on a persona that isn’t anything like your true self. Be the best and brightest professional version of yourself while being as genuine and as frank as possible.  People can hear a lot of body language through the phone, and smiling is the clearest way to communicate positivity.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Inequality - Essay Example parison because it takes into consideration the income factor which plays a significant role in dictating the wealth levels of the individual persons. Inequality is interconnected with social class, gender, and ethnicity. For instance, social classes define the person’s opportunities and financial position. This discriminates against people who are in lower classes. In addition, gender is used to deny some people opportunities, an aspect that increases the levels of inequality in the society. For instance, in some societies, people perceive women as weak, thereby not fit to hold high positions. This affects women’s ability to exploit their potential. Lastly, ethnic difference is another major aspect that has brought inequality in the society. Distribution of resources and opportunities are sometimes done based on this element. For instance, people of African origin and Asians find it hard to secure an employment position because of their ethnic background. This increases inequality levels in the society. Inequality is manifested through opportunities and outcomes. People who are poor in the society lack access to critical resources. For instance, they cannot be able to take their school to good schools and healthcare centers. Lack of education by these people’s children makes it hard for them to secure a descent work (Neckerman & Project Muse 2006). This constrains the families’ opportunities to earn a decent source of living. Affording good houses, food, and other basic needs becomes a challenge to these families. Social inequalities are not natural because they can be tackled by administration through equal distribution of resources to all people in the society and supporting the less fortunate. This form of inequality is caused by starting points. For instance, children who are born in family with wealth and assets are likely to gain access to tools of making wealth (Olyan 2011). However, those who are born in less fortunate families find it hard to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Review - Essay Example First, we can see a lot of characters in this movie like Captain Jack Sparrow, William Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Captain Sao Feng, Hector Barbossa, and Davy Jones. Captain Jack Sparrow is the captain of the Black Pearl ship and the most notorious pirate on the ocean. Captain Jack Sparrow has the sense of humor that none of the other pirates have. Also, the Black Pearl is the most famous ship on the ocean, and all of the pirates, as well as many in the Royal Navy, know about this ship because it has the most dangerous pirates in the whole world aboard it. The second main character in the movie was William Turner, the brave blacksmith-turned-pirate in town, who always helped the weak and the poor people when he can. William Turner was the hero in this movie. The third character is Elizabeth Swann, the beautiful governor’s daughter, who ends up marrying William Turner by the end of this film. Elizabeth has helped William out of a lot of situations, and she also saves him from death many times. However, her love for him causes him to die at the end of this film, though a sudden plot twist brings him back. The fourth character is Captain Sao Feng. Sao Feng was the Pirate Lord of the South China Sea until his death during the third film. He was bold man, albeit a bit immoral. He has a very weird body and a scary face that makes you scream when you first see it. The fifth character is Captain Hector Barbossa, who is the Pirate Lord of the Sea. He seemed to have an apple addiction, which was an interesting characteristic for a rum-soaked pirate. Barbossa has a monkey named Jack; this monkey travels with him all the time and seemed to have taken the place of a potential son. The last important character is Davy Jones. Davy Jones was born in Scotland; very little else is known about his youth and childhood. He fell in love with Calypso, the Goddess of the sea, many years ago. It was Calypso